Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last night I had a good session with my trainer. We did core and leg exercises, almost all I'd never done before. I love that he always has me doing something new, it keeps things interesting.

It amazes me how sometimes the exercises that have me moving the least have me sweating the most. Usually when it involves my tummy muscles, or lack thereof I should say.

I have to tell you, when I first started this gym stuff in August I did not like to sweat. I felt tired and gross and sure that someone was secretly laughing at how ridiculous I looked with my fire engine red face and soaking wet shirt. I'd have looked better if I'd swam in a mud puddle.

The reason the sweating thing is on my mind is because last night after my training session I had to leave to pick up my brother and take him to work. I wasn't able to get on the treadmill for 30 to 40 minutes like I'd planned, so I didn't get nearly as hot and sweaty as usual.

I felt robbed!

It was like I'd been cheated of something, it just And it's not like I didn't work up a sweat with my trainer, I did, but I was shocked at how different my body felt by only doing the training and not getting any cardio. My body wanted that time on the treadmill and was rather irked it didn't happen.

This week has been a little odd. Between not feeling well and having to run people around I haven't been in the gym nearly as much as I'd like. On the good side I've been eating well and drinking lots of water, so that's something.

I have bowling tonight so no gym for me, I'll be back there on Friday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friday night was my office's Christmas dinner. It was at an amazing restaurant in downtown Anchorage I'd never been to before. The food was wonderful and the view of the city lights was beautiful.

I ate more at that dinner than I have in one sitting in a very long time. I'm not going to beat myself up over it, this happens once a year, but it made me realize how much I've changed my eating habits and how much better I feel because of it. Saturday I didn't feel great, my stomach did not like me very much and I just felt lethargic. I also found myself wanting to eat junk.

It's weird how when I eat well, I want to keep eating well. When I eat junk, I want more junk food. Funny how that works.

I didn't go to the gym at all over the weekend. I could have made the time but I didn't. I wasn't entirely lazy, I did a lot of housecleaning and I worked up a sweat putting up the Christmas tree, but it's not the same as a good workout at the gym.

I have a training session tonight with Sgt. Fitness, I'm looking forward to it. I want to kick ass in the gym this week.

Friday, December 4, 2009

My workout with Sgt. Fitness was fun last night. We worked mostly on my arms and core, I did a whole set of exercises I've never done before. I loved one machine we used that worked my lats. And we did shoulder exercises, I did shoulder press things while on that wobbly board dealie. Don't you love my techincal terms? I felt great when we were done.

I also ripped one of their mats while doing the last exercise. I'm not entirely sure how it happened. One minute I'm in a sort of plank position doing things with my feet, the next I hear a tearing sound, my arms went shooting forward and I landed on my stomach in a not so lady-like sprawl. When I picked myself up I could see the mat was ripped wide open, but according to Sgt. Fitness it was already torn a little so it wasn't entirely my fault.

After our workout I got on the treadmill, I did a 20 incline for 20 minutes! Then I did a 15 incline for 10 minutes and had to leave so I could take my brother to work. I was quite happy with that, it was tough. I'd liked to have gone longer.

I still can't belive how much I enjoy going to the gym. I never thought I'd say something like that so it shocks me that I mean it. I've been doing this for 4 months now and I still get excited about training sessions. I like learning what my body can do. There are times when I'm doing an exercise and I cannot wait for it to be over (before I fall over), and none of it is what I'd call easy for me. But I find I want to push myself to see just what I can do, instead of avoiding it like the plague.

It's a nice feeling.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Challenge ~ To complete 1,130 minutes of exercise in the month of November.

Goal ~ 1,130 Minutes

Total Minutes Completed ~ 1,225

Total Minutes Remaining ~ 0 (over by 95 minutes!)

11/1 ~ Off

11/2 ~ Training for 30 minutes, treadmill for 30 minutes = 60 minutes

11/3 ~ Training for 30 minutes, treadmill for 60 minutes = 90 minutes

11/4 ~ Treadmill = 45 minutes

11/5 ~ Bowling = 30 minutes

11/6 ~ Off

11/7 ~ Off

11/8 ~ Off (migraine)

11/9 ~ Training for 30 minutes, treadmill for 60 minutes = 90 minutes

11/10 ~ Treadmill = 55 minutes

11/11 ~ Treadmill = 45 minutes

11/12 ~ Bowling = 30 minutes

11/13 ~ Treadmill = 60 minutes

11/14 ~ Off

11/15 ~ Treadmill = 60 minutes

11/16 ~ Training for 30 minutes, treadmill for 60 minutes = 90 minutes

11/17 ~ Treadmill = 80 minutes

11/18 ~ Training for 30 minutes, treadmill for 40 minutes = 70 minutes

11/19 ~ Bowling = 30 minutes

11/20 ~ Off

11/21 ~ Off

11/22 ~ Off

11/23 ~ Training 30 minutes, treadmill for 60 minutes = 90 minutes

11/24 ~ Treadmill = 80 minutes

11/25 ~ Training 30 minutes, treadmill for 40 minutes = 70 minutes

11/26 ~ Off (Thanksgiving)

11/27 ~ Off

11/28 ~ Treadmill = 80 minutes

11/29 ~ Off

11/30 ~ Training 30 minutes, treadmill 40 minutes = 70 minutes

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I worked out with Sgt. Fitness last night after he weighed and measured me. According to his calculations I've lost another 5 pounds, 2.50 inches and almost a whole percentage of body fat since the last measuring.

The funny thing, to me at least, was where I lost the inches ~ my neck, waist, hips and bicep. My bicep alone went down three quarters of an inch! It's interesting to see where I'm losing weight on my body. My clothes don't fit me right at all. My boss made the comment this morning that my pants are really baggy on me now. I'll take that as a compliment, thank you.

I have to admit I would have liked to see more of a drop in my weight, and according to my scale at home I'm about 3.5 pounds lighter than what his tells me. I suppose my clothes and shoes account for a bit of that. In general though I'm really happy with what I've accomplished.

Want to see the stats of the total inches I've lost so far?

Body fat percentage: -2.40%
Neck: -1 inch
Chest: -2.25 inches
Waist: -4 inches
Hips: -3.75 inches
Bicep: -1.5 inches
Thigh: -1 inch
Calf: - 1/2 inch
Weight: -20 pounds (my first weigh in at the gym was 201 pounds)

According to the gym scale I weigh 181 pounds. So from my highest weight of 212 that means I've lost 31 pounds since the end of June. Not too shabby! My home scale said 177.4 pounds this morning. Either way, I'm making a lot of progress and I just feel so much better. I still have 50 pounds to lose but I've made quite a dent.

After the measuring, Sgt. Fitness had me on the mats doing exercises with those giant body balls. I always feel so goofy on them. At one point he had me laying with my thighs on top of the ball and then my hands were on the floor and I was doing push-ups.

Not. Easy.

Well, the first set didn't seem so bad but the second set was tough. I also did this other exercise, where I was on my hands and knees on the mat and then had one arm propped on a body ball and....okay, I cannot come close to describing this right, but I loved it. It was strangely relaxing.

Today my arms, shoulders, upper back muscles and legs are all letting me know they were used and abused. I like it.

When we got done and I was signing in on the computer Sgt. Fitness asked when I would be seeing him again. I told him it would be almost 2 weeks because his schedule for next week is full with the Thanksgiving holiday. Well he was having none of that so he went in and added me to the end of his schedule for Monday and Wednesday. I'll be there later than usual, 7:30 on Monday and 7:00 on Wednesday, but I thought it was really nice of him to offer to stay longer for me. I realize, of course, he gets paid for this, but I appreciate it anyway.

I've been eating pretty well this week (since Monday anyway). Breakfast every morning, I've had spinach salads for lunch every day with different things thrown in them (carrots, cheese, etc.), basmati rice or baby red baked potatoes for dinner with chicken and whatever else I have handy. I've been drinking tons of water, plenty of tea. I need to get more veggies in with dinner. I have to tell you, headache aside, I can't remember the last time I physically felt so darn good.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I worked out with Sgt. Fitness last night and my legs are feeling it today. We did all legs and core stuff. Before we even started he informed me my legs would hate him by the time I was done. Nope, no hating going on, but I'm betting tomorrow I'll be even more sore.

I got on the treadmill after our workout and only stayed at an 18 incline for maybe 10 minutes, then I wimped out and put it down to a 15 incline for 40 minutes. I have now completed 655 minutes of exercise. Tonight I plan to go get on the treadmill for awhile, and then I have another training session tomorrow.

Oh, one thing that was funny last night at the gym. The last exercise he had me do was what's called a Superman. For those who don't know, you just lay down on the floor on your tummy with your arms straight in front of you and your legs straight out behind you. Then, when Sgt. Fitness tells you to, you lift up your arms and legs at the same time and hold it. It sounds simple but crap, it's hard! So I do this 10 times, holding it for 10 seconds each time, and the finally flopped on the mat to rest.

I informed him I felt nothing like Superman.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The weekend is here and for once I'm actually thinking about what I'll be eating for the next 2 days. Usually I don't give it a thought until I'm actually home but that's the problem. I eat like crap on the weekends. I constantly have food in my mouth, whether I'm hungry or not.

Meal planning is something I've been wanting to do for months. I've talked about it, blogged about it, and have yet to make any progress. I'm making it more difficult than it really is, I know that. How hard is it to decide, okay, I'll have turkey tacos on Monday, chicken salad on Tuesday, etc. etc. etc. All I have to do is take maybe 20 minutes out of my day to sit down and make a list. That's it! Yet instead of making this list, I complain about not doing it. Hmmmm.

I'm reminded of my parents bickering over what's for dinner.

Mom: What do you want for dinner tonight?
Dad: Oh, I don't know. What do you think?
Mom: I don't know, that's why I'm asking you.
Dad: Well I'm sure you'll think of something.
Mom: That's no help.
Dad: You could run up to the store and see if something looks good.
Mom: Okay, what kind of something?
Dad: Oh, I don't care.
Mom: So nothing sounds good to you?
Dad: Let's go to Pizza Hut

That took care of that.

Okay, to be honest this exact conversation only happened once when I was in junior high, but I remember similar discussions happening more often than not when it came to dinner. When I think about it though, I can see where some of the problem came from, which helps explain to me why I have the same type of dialog in my head. I very rarely crave any certain foods, and my Dad was the same way. We were generally fine with whatever my Mom put on the table. Don't get me wrong, there are days when only a meat lover's pizza will hit the spot, or when a giant steak is calling my name. But those times are few and far between, so when I get home and look in the fridge it will take me half an hour just to decide what to have because nothing jumps out at me. So really, meal planning should be a breeze. I won't have the problem of having planned something for dinner and then coming home and changing my mind, because most of the time it doesn't matter.

And if a pizza happens to be calling my name, well, the turkey tacos will be there for tomorrow.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I was supposed to have a training session last night but Sgt. Fitness called me right after I left work and said he couldn't make it, thanks to the lovely sheets of ice that were coating the roads. It was nasty.

Anyway, I went home and had dinner first, then went to the gym later. I kicked ass on the treadmill last night ~ I did an incline of 17 for 40 minutes. I was debating going for 50 minutes when Kelly came to talk to me, she'd just gotten off work, so I stopped. It was odd though, the first 5 minutes were a little tough, then it wasn't too bad. When I got to around 30-35 minutes I was feeling it quite a bit, but it still wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, it was far from easy and I was sweating up a storm, but I had more energy at that point than usual.

What was funny to me was walking at an incline of 10 for 5 minutes to cool down. It wasn't that long ago I could barely last 30 minutes at 10. My speed isn't very high. Last night I was at 2.2 or 2.3 the whole time. I'm really not sure how fast I should be going, or what I should aim to get up to. I'll have to ask Sgt. Fitness. When I first started it seems we were more concerned with increasing the incline than the speed.

My scale this morning said 179.6. From my highest weight of 212 that means I've lost 32.4 pounds a little over 3 months. I'll take it.

(Originally written 11-11-09, forgot to post)

November Challenge:

Goal ~ 1,130

Total Minutes Completed ~ 370

Total Minutes Remaining ~ 760

I'm happy with my progress so far. Last night I was on the treadmill and did an incline of 16 for 50 minutes! I started with a goal of 35 minutes, as that would be 5 minutes longer at that huge incline than I'd done before, and once I got there I decided to push myself more and see if I could make 50 minutes. I'm so glad I did. It never ceases to amaze me what my body can do.

I worked out with my trainer Monday night, we did arm stuff and also worked on my sides, and I loved every minute of it. We did one exercise where I was standing holding a handle from a cable machine thing on one hand and I would lean the opposite direction, so it would use my side muscles....I'm not explaining this very well, but anyway Sgt. Fitness did it with me so we looked like mirror images. I like that he does some of these exercises with me. Especially when they're ones that make me feel dorky and uncoordinated. At least I won't be looking dorky alone.

I was telling him that it really makes me happy I'm not at all bored with this stuff yet, I'm still excited about going to the gym and I hope it stays that way. I know he works hard to keep it interesting for me and I appreciate it. I don't think I've been losing much weight this month, I haven't checked. I can't remember when my trainer will do the measuring thing again, I'm thinking next week but I'll have to ask him. My clothes are definitely fitting differently though, they're getting baggy and loose, and I just feel better.

I have tiny leg muscles again! You know those thigh muscles that will show up right above your knee? Mine have reappeared, just a little but enough to notice. My arms also look a bit better. Probably not enough for anyone else to notice but I can see (and feel) the difference. There is a lot more work ahead of me as far as getting into shape and having a healthy body, but I can't believe how much better I feel already.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Should bowling count as exercise? I can't decide. As close as I can figure, I spend about 30 minutes on the lane throwing the ball. The rest of the time is spent socializing, of course. I'm moving around all the time, I rarely sit down the whole 2 to 2 1/2 hours I'm there, but I don't work up a sweat and those 30 minutes aren't all at once. It happens maybe 30 seconds at a time. I'm leaning towards no with this one.

I'm not happy with myself. After bowling last night Nathan wanted to stop at the store so he could get lunch stuff. I wanted to go home and go to bed, but he was persistent so we stopped. I should have just stayed in the car. I walked out with a bag of Ruffles and a small container of French onion dip, and when I got home I proceeded to eat a bunch of it. I say 'a bunch' because I really don't know how much I ate. I'm guessing probably half the bag of Ruffles, not a clue on the dip. Let's just say a lot.

When I went to bed my stomach let me know in no uncertain terms that it was not happy with my choice of a late night snack. It tossed and turned and my reflux was acting up. This morning it still wasn't entirely settled.

So now I'm in a funky mood and, if I'm being honest, a little disgusted with myself. I knew damn well I shouldn't be eating that crap, yet I did it anyway. And for what? To keep myself from being able to go to sleep because of my tummy's roller coaster ride? To wake up with heartburn as well as swollen hands and feet? Not to mention the shitty way I'm feeling? Those weren't my goals but that's what I accomplished. It also scares me that I will undo the hard work I've done so far.

I've been trying to figure out why I've been craving bad food lately. Hamburgers in particular. For the most part I've never been one of those people who craves certain foods. Once in a great while chocolate will sound good (and I am not a chocolate lover), and sometimes a giant steak sounds amazing, but overall I don't have cravings. And when I did, I ate whatever it was I 'needed' at the moment. Now that I'm trying to change my eating habits, I'm trying to figure out where the craving is coming from.

Maybe it's one of those 'you know you shouldn't eat it so now you really want it' things. Maybe my body is lacking something. How do you even figure out which it is?

One big problem I'm still having lately is not getting enough sleep. I'm not going to bed early enough, and when I do get in bed I usually read for awhile. I think 11:30 is the earliest I've gotten to bed and to sleep this week, and it's just not cutting it. I am not a morning person to begin with and lately dragging myself out of bed has become ridiculously difficult. You'd think I've climbed Mt. Everest by the time I stumble into the shower. Saying it's not a pretty sight is an understatement.

Now that I've vented and rambled about all my 'troubles' it's time to come up with some solutions.

~ Count bowling as exercise? No, for now I won't.
~ Dealing with cravings? First of all, do NOT go to the store when I'm hungry/tired/sad/upset. Keep lots of fruit around home so if I really want to eat something at least it will be good for me. Not that I crave the good stuff, but I'm hoping eventually I will.
~ Lack of sleep? Go to bed earlier. Duh. It's not rocket science!

I'll make my goal for next week to be in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10:00 to 10:30. I also need to work on a meal plan. Keep saying it, never do it. It's mainly dinner I have trouble with, and the weekends. There are so many things I want to improve on. I worry about taking on too much and getting overwhelmed, and then I worry about not doing enough. How do I find that line?