Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last night I had a good session with my trainer. We did core and leg exercises, almost all I'd never done before. I love that he always has me doing something new, it keeps things interesting.

It amazes me how sometimes the exercises that have me moving the least have me sweating the most. Usually when it involves my tummy muscles, or lack thereof I should say.

I have to tell you, when I first started this gym stuff in August I did not like to sweat. I felt tired and gross and sure that someone was secretly laughing at how ridiculous I looked with my fire engine red face and soaking wet shirt. I'd have looked better if I'd swam in a mud puddle.

The reason the sweating thing is on my mind is because last night after my training session I had to leave to pick up my brother and take him to work. I wasn't able to get on the treadmill for 30 to 40 minutes like I'd planned, so I didn't get nearly as hot and sweaty as usual.

I felt robbed!

It was like I'd been cheated of something, it just And it's not like I didn't work up a sweat with my trainer, I did, but I was shocked at how different my body felt by only doing the training and not getting any cardio. My body wanted that time on the treadmill and was rather irked it didn't happen.

This week has been a little odd. Between not feeling well and having to run people around I haven't been in the gym nearly as much as I'd like. On the good side I've been eating well and drinking lots of water, so that's something.

I have bowling tonight so no gym for me, I'll be back there on Friday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friday night was my office's Christmas dinner. It was at an amazing restaurant in downtown Anchorage I'd never been to before. The food was wonderful and the view of the city lights was beautiful.

I ate more at that dinner than I have in one sitting in a very long time. I'm not going to beat myself up over it, this happens once a year, but it made me realize how much I've changed my eating habits and how much better I feel because of it. Saturday I didn't feel great, my stomach did not like me very much and I just felt lethargic. I also found myself wanting to eat junk.

It's weird how when I eat well, I want to keep eating well. When I eat junk, I want more junk food. Funny how that works.

I didn't go to the gym at all over the weekend. I could have made the time but I didn't. I wasn't entirely lazy, I did a lot of housecleaning and I worked up a sweat putting up the Christmas tree, but it's not the same as a good workout at the gym.

I have a training session tonight with Sgt. Fitness, I'm looking forward to it. I want to kick ass in the gym this week.

Friday, December 4, 2009

My workout with Sgt. Fitness was fun last night. We worked mostly on my arms and core, I did a whole set of exercises I've never done before. I loved one machine we used that worked my lats. And we did shoulder exercises, I did shoulder press things while on that wobbly board dealie. Don't you love my techincal terms? I felt great when we were done.

I also ripped one of their mats while doing the last exercise. I'm not entirely sure how it happened. One minute I'm in a sort of plank position doing things with my feet, the next I hear a tearing sound, my arms went shooting forward and I landed on my stomach in a not so lady-like sprawl. When I picked myself up I could see the mat was ripped wide open, but according to Sgt. Fitness it was already torn a little so it wasn't entirely my fault.

After our workout I got on the treadmill, I did a 20 incline for 20 minutes! Then I did a 15 incline for 10 minutes and had to leave so I could take my brother to work. I was quite happy with that, it was tough. I'd liked to have gone longer.

I still can't belive how much I enjoy going to the gym. I never thought I'd say something like that so it shocks me that I mean it. I've been doing this for 4 months now and I still get excited about training sessions. I like learning what my body can do. There are times when I'm doing an exercise and I cannot wait for it to be over (before I fall over), and none of it is what I'd call easy for me. But I find I want to push myself to see just what I can do, instead of avoiding it like the plague.

It's a nice feeling.