Friday, December 4, 2009

My workout with Sgt. Fitness was fun last night. We worked mostly on my arms and core, I did a whole set of exercises I've never done before. I loved one machine we used that worked my lats. And we did shoulder exercises, I did shoulder press things while on that wobbly board dealie. Don't you love my techincal terms? I felt great when we were done.

I also ripped one of their mats while doing the last exercise. I'm not entirely sure how it happened. One minute I'm in a sort of plank position doing things with my feet, the next I hear a tearing sound, my arms went shooting forward and I landed on my stomach in a not so lady-like sprawl. When I picked myself up I could see the mat was ripped wide open, but according to Sgt. Fitness it was already torn a little so it wasn't entirely my fault.

After our workout I got on the treadmill, I did a 20 incline for 20 minutes! Then I did a 15 incline for 10 minutes and had to leave so I could take my brother to work. I was quite happy with that, it was tough. I'd liked to have gone longer.

I still can't belive how much I enjoy going to the gym. I never thought I'd say something like that so it shocks me that I mean it. I've been doing this for 4 months now and I still get excited about training sessions. I like learning what my body can do. There are times when I'm doing an exercise and I cannot wait for it to be over (before I fall over), and none of it is what I'd call easy for me. But I find I want to push myself to see just what I can do, instead of avoiding it like the plague.

It's a nice feeling.

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