Monday, September 28, 2009

I ate much better today, though dinner could have used some improvement. I logged all my food into the gym's website and was under my calorie allowance for the day. It amazes me how much more food you can eat when it's healthy. You can eat a ton of lettuce compared to a cup or two of something else. Okay, not a ton, but you get the idea.

After work I went to the gym and had my session with my trainer, who I will hereby refer to as Sgt. Fitness. We worked on my arms and upper body today, I'll be feeling it tomorrow but it shouldn't be too bad. I love that after our workouts I can feel that we did them, but I'm not so sore I can barely move, which is what happened at the YMCA. I expect to be sore, I'm horribly out of shape, but I'd like to be able to get out of bed without whimpering.

I like the machines we used, they use cables. No idea what they're called, but I like them. I feel kind of dorky when I'm doing these exercises sometimes. I guess I'm just moving my body in ways I've never moved it before and it feels awkward. It's not a bad thing, and Sgt. Fitness tells me if I'm doing something wrong so I don't worry about that.

This gym stuff is slowly bringing about a different mind set. I'm thinking more about what my body can do (and what it can't), and I'm more aware of how I'm feeling physically. To be honest it's odd to be thinking about myself so much. I'm giving some thought to upping my training sessions from 8 per month to 12 per month. I asked the manager about the price. I should have asked my trainer what he thinks, I suppose. I can't imagine he'd think it's a bad idea. Now it's a question of whether or not I can afford it. I think if I get rid of the storage unit I could manage it, and my health is much more important than stuff. You know, spending the money on this gym stuff was a really hard sell for me at first. I'm paying a monthly membership fee for the gym in general, another for the food website, and then a chunk for the training. It's not cheap. Then I got to thinking about the number of times I've spent a fortune on lotion or candles and didn't think twice about it.

Why is it so easy to spend money on things I don't need but so hard to spend money on my health?! This way of thinking is what's gotten me where I am. Well, that and my love of Dr. Pepper and meat lover's pizza.

Today's Stats:
Treadmill Miles ~ 1.06
Time ~ 27 minutes
Incline ~ 8

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