Monday, November 2, 2009

I warmed up at the gym and then got started with my trainer. We were having a nice workout, I was feeling good. He was trying to get me to admit to him what I've been eating, since he didn't look at my food log before our session, but I wouldn't tell him. The workout was hard enough, I didn't want him making it harder! Besides, I'm working out with him again tomorrow right after work so I'll be paying for it soon enough.

Everything was all fine and dandy until he had me using one of those resistance band things with the handles on the ends. I was standing on it with both feet, had the handles pulled up to my shoulders and then pushed my leg to the side against the band, something I've done before with no problem.

Then the band broke and the end came flying up and whacked me over my left eye.


Thankfully it didn't hit my eye, or that could have been really ugly. Sgt. Fitness all but had a panic attack. 'OMG are you okay?? I can't believe that, I've never seen one break before!' On and on he went without letting me get a word in edgewise. I finally was able to tell him I was fine. Yes, it hurt and stung like hell, but no permanent damage was done. It actually hit me right on my eyebrow so you can't see a mark or anything, but there's a sore lump I can really feel. It took some convincing to assure him I was fine and to get him to finish our workout. He said I'm much more of a trooper than he is.

After we were done I got on the treadmill for half an hour. By that point I was tired and had a headache, so I only stayed at a 15 incline for 20 minutes. I still felt really good though, and went home a mostly happy camper.

It's not often I get maimed at the gym.

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