Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My workout went well. The first thing Sgt. Fitness did was take a good look at my eye to see if there was any lasting damage done, and then he apologized all over again. Since there's only a little lump right on my eyebrow you really can't tell I was whacked in the face with an evil resistance band. No biggie, could have been a lot worse.

Anyway, we worked on my arms and sides. The first thing he had me do, much to my amusement, was use a damn resistance band again. He swore to me it wouldn't break, but said if I'd rather not use it he would understand. Well I'm not about to let a band get the best of me, so I did what he wanted.

Something new I did was stand on a wiggly step thing while I did this arm/side exercise. It forces you to use your core to stabilize yourself so you don't go flying off. My sides are feeling it today. Wow. Didn't know those muscles were there.

I'm finding I love doing these arm exercises! He had me stand on a Bosu while I used one of those cable machine things for my arms, and I actually almost found it easy. That's a first.

Oh, there is one exception ~ I hate push-ups. Probably because I'm so bad at them. The last thing I did were two sets of modified push-ups and holy crap by the time I was done I thought my arms were going to fall off. Thankfully they didn't.

I like that my upper body is slowly getting stronger. It may not be much yet but I can feel the difference.

After our workout I got on the treadmill for an hour. I didn't last as long on the 15 incline as I wanted, only 20 minutes, but that's okay. The rest of the time I varied the speed and incline. I actually wanted to try an incline of 16 and see how long I'd last but there are only 4 treadmills there that go above 15 and they were all being used.

I'm not sure I like working out with Sgt. Fitness 2 days in a row, I like having at least one day in between to rest from it, but this week and next week that's the only way I can do it. I scheduled all my appointments out from now until the end of the year. There's one week I can't get in to see him at all, I might ask him if he'll stay an extra half hour one night that week so I can still get in a workout, but I'll worry about that when the time comes.

You know what's weird? I like being sore. Okay, I don't enjoy pain, but I like that it lets me know I've pushed my body to try new things, or do things I've learned at a higher level, and it helps me feel like I'm making progress. I like it.

That makes 150 minutes down, 980 minutes to go for November.

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