Thursday, November 12, 2009

I was supposed to have a training session last night but Sgt. Fitness called me right after I left work and said he couldn't make it, thanks to the lovely sheets of ice that were coating the roads. It was nasty.

Anyway, I went home and had dinner first, then went to the gym later. I kicked ass on the treadmill last night ~ I did an incline of 17 for 40 minutes. I was debating going for 50 minutes when Kelly came to talk to me, she'd just gotten off work, so I stopped. It was odd though, the first 5 minutes were a little tough, then it wasn't too bad. When I got to around 30-35 minutes I was feeling it quite a bit, but it still wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, it was far from easy and I was sweating up a storm, but I had more energy at that point than usual.

What was funny to me was walking at an incline of 10 for 5 minutes to cool down. It wasn't that long ago I could barely last 30 minutes at 10. My speed isn't very high. Last night I was at 2.2 or 2.3 the whole time. I'm really not sure how fast I should be going, or what I should aim to get up to. I'll have to ask Sgt. Fitness. When I first started it seems we were more concerned with increasing the incline than the speed.

My scale this morning said 179.6. From my highest weight of 212 that means I've lost 32.4 pounds a little over 3 months. I'll take it.

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