Saturday, October 24, 2009

I met Kelly at the gym this morning for an hour long Zumba class, which finished out my goal of exercising for 930 minutes this month!


It feels damn good to reach a goal I set for myself (thank you again Son for the idea).

My arms and chest are sore today. Wow. I feel the muscles every time I move an inch. I suppose I should ask Sgt. Fitness how sore is too sore. I don't think I'm there, I can function just fine, but I want to make sure. He wouldn't let me injure myself while I'm working out with him, but I wonder if there are things I can do after our workouts that would help keep the soreness down to a minimum.

I expect to be sore. I haven't used these muscles in.....oh who knows, forever perhaps? So I know that waking them up again and getting them moving isn't an easy task. While I don't enjoy pain, I do enjoy knowing that I'm doing something to better myself. I like learning about my body. I'm surprised sometimes at what I can do.

I think we sell ourselves short.

Becoming healthy and getting in shape takes work. Hard work, lots of effort. And in our day to day lives it's so easy to overlook what we could be doing for ourselves. We get so busy working, answering phone calls, taking care of our families, etc. etc. etc. That's not a bad thing, obviously, it's part of life.

What I'm learning is that by making the time to take care of myself, I do a better job of taking care of the rest. I feel better about myself and have more energy.

Why didn't I get off my ass and do this a long time ago?!

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