Monday, October 12, 2009

I started my day with MarketSpice Cinnamon-Orange Tea, which is amazingly good. I wasn't sure I'd ever find a tea I liked to drink as much as I like my Irish Creme lattes but this stuff is damn good. I had 3 cups of it this morning and spent the rest of the day peeing every half an hour. I missed the memo stating tea is such a dieuretic. I don't think that's a bad thing, it just took me by surprise.

After work I headed to the gym for my session with Sgt. Fitness. He noticed I was wearing my new workout clothes, and Kelly told me I look really good in them. Honestly I felt a little weird, mostly because the shirt is made of pretty clingy material and I was a little self conscious about it. Apparently I'm not used to wearing clothes that fit and aren't baggy enough to hide things. However I felt better while I was working out in them. I didn't get quite as hot. Oh I was sweating up a storm, but I wasn't as hot. Not sure that makes sense, but there you have it.

Tonight Sgt. Fitness had me doing mostly arm stuff. Well, I did lunges and things at the same time with most of it too. I think tonight I actually did an exercise for the second time. It's the first time that's happened! Not bad for being there 2 1/2 months. Sgt. Fitness told me tonight he's studying to get some higher certification in training. I'm sure he'll do find and pass the test, he's a smart guy. I have to admit I've given some thought to looking into nutrition or training. I don't feel like I know enough about any of it but I guess that's the point of school. I think I'll stick with what I'm doing for now before I jump into it as a career.

It's crazy how much I look forward to going to the gym now. I suppose it's all still new enough for it to be exciting, and at some point that probably won't be the case, but I love the feeling. I can feel some of the changes in my body. Sgt. Fitness made the remark that I'm stronger now than I was when we started. Of course, being the dork that I am, I look at my right arm looking for signs of a muscle. He was amused.

When I got home I made some rice and had a chicken patty with it, then a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich for dessert. I've drank a ton of water today, in addition to the tea. I went just over my 1,100 calorie allowance, I ended up with 1,135.

All in all I feel good about the day.

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