Sunday, October 4, 2009

One of my very best friends came up with an idea I thought was fantastic so I borrowed it from her. The challenge is to do 930 minutes of exercise in the month of October (30 minutes per day x 31 days in October = 930 total minutes). I love it, makes much more sense than going to the gym every single day. Let's face it, that's not entirely feasible. Anyway, I'm really excited about the challenge, I think we will both kick some ass.

I had a session with Sgt. Fitness on Friday, it was tough but good. Speaking of Sgt. Fitness, he sent me an email Friday morning that had me a little confused. It said:

Hey! Well i just thought i wold drop in and say good job yesterday. Very proud of you.

I'll admit, I got all warm and fuzzy when I read it. Until I realized I hadn't seen him since Monday and I had no idea what I did that he was proud of. Hmmm. I figured it must have been my efforts at eating better, and I was right. When we started working out he asked if I got the email and said he realized after he sent it he should have said something about food, but anyway it really was a nice start to my Friday to see it. So the workout was good, I was sweating like mad in no time at all. After my workout with Sgt. Fitness I got on the treadmill and did 30 minutes a 10 incline, 1.70 miles. I got in 60 minutes to start the month, not bad!

I've decided I'm going to make Saturdays a free day when it comes to eating. I can eat whatever I want on Saturdays. I will still track everything, and I'm not going to make it a free for all, but that way if I've been craving pizza or steak or whatever all week, I will have a day to look forward to eating it. What's funny is that yesterday I really didn't feel like eating crap so I ate pretty well anyway. I did spend some time at Costco and the grocery store, I stocked up on all kinds of things that are good for me.

Organic quinoa
Organic raisins
Almond milk (never had it before but it's good)

That's in addition to what I got earlier in the week. And I finally bought a rice cooker! I used it tonight, I love it. Very handy. You can even program it to start at a certain time, that's a spiffy feature. I also bought a ton of books Wednesday night relating to health and food.

The World's Healthiest Foods
Skinny Bitch
Skinny Bitch in the Kitch
Ruby's Diary
Master Your Metabolism
Winning by Losing
Hungry Girl....
Hungry Girl 200 Recipes under 200 Calories

I spent more money than I probably should have, but my PFD will be deposited Thursday so I'll be fine. I want to learn more about all this. Sgt. Fitness said he'd find more books to recommend too.

I went to the gym again today. I did a 10 incline for 10 minutes at 2.4 and a 12 incline for 30 minutes at 2.6. I've been concentrating on trying to up the incline, but now I also want to work on the speed. I'm still not quite at 100% after having that cold last week, but the workout felt good.

I had my brother take a couple of progress pictures for me after bowling on Thursday, which he whined about. Sometimes he irks me with his attitude about my wanting to be healthier. One day he's great, he'll make chicken for dinner or get after me if I mention wanting to buy Dr. Pepper, and others he's trying to feed me frozen pizza and grumbling because of the healthy food I'm buying. I don't expect him to change his ways but I wish he'd leave me alone so I can change mine.

Plan for the week:

Sunday ~ Cardio (done, obviously)
Monday ~ Cardio
Tuesday ~ Session with Sgt. Fitness
Wednesday ~ Cardio
Thursday ~ Bowling
Friday ~ Sgt. Fitness
Saturday ~ Off

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