Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I went to the gym last night right after work for my training session with Sgt. Fitness. We did mostly resistance training, not a lot with weights, and I was sweating up a storm in no time. That kind of embarrasses me. I realize that's the point, but still, I know of no woman who likes to sweat like a pig.

We did mostly new exercises again, which was great. I love that we are always doing different things. How does he come up with all this stuff?! There was only one exercise I did that I've done before, and I was happily surprised to find it was a tiny bit easier this time around.

I suppose it also helped that we were having a discussion about whether or not we believe in Bigfoot at the time. (For the record he said nope, I said yep).

Sometimes I find it easier to do the exercises if I'm not thinking about them. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. When I hear Sgt. Fitness counting how many reps I have left it feels harder than when I don't know. I suppose I should think about what I'm doing to make sure I'm doing it right, I probably rely too much on him for that. But he's the expert, not me.

Sgt. Fitness had me hold a position, almost like a push up position but my legs were propped on a bench. Anyway, I couldn't believe how much I was sweating when I was just holding myself there! I said something to him about it and he was talking about which muscles I was using to hold myself up. I like that he tells me this stuff, I like knowing what parts of my body I'm working.

After I got done with that he had me stretching my legs and I told him how I did on the treadmill the night before. Sgt. Fitness said he was really proud of me and how well I'm doing. It means a lot that he's so encouraging. I made the remark that I'll get there (meaning to my goal), and he said I know you will. After our session he told me he has faith in me that I will do well. Hearing that almost made me stop in my tracks and blush. It's ridiculous how warm and fuzzy it made me feel. It means a lot to me to have someone who believes I can do this and is helping me get there. I realize I'm paying him to do this, of course, but it still helps me to hear it.

When we got done I walked on the treadmill, I did an incline of 16 for 15 minutes! I always have a harder time with the inclines after training, since I'm already tired, but I was happy to last that long. I'm still not going very fast, last night it was 2.3, but I'm okay with that for now.

When I got home I started watching 'The Biggest Loser' but had to turn it off. I got upset when they showed the contestants being sent home for a week. They were all greeted by their families. It just made me miss Mom and Dad so much, and knowing they aren't here to see my progress and how well I'm doing is hard.

I went to bed way too late but I slept really well, I only woke up once. I'm really tired today and my stomach isn't happy about something, at the moment I'm not sure I'll make it to the gym tonight. But I really want to, so I'm hoping after I go home and eat dinner I'll be feeling better.

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