Friday, October 30, 2009

I was doing so well with what I was eating yesterday and then I blew it.

When I got home from work I had rice for dinner, that's all that really sounded good, so when we got to bowling I wasn't really tempted by any of the things people brought for the potluck. By the time we left, however, I could tell I hadn't eaten enough and I was starving. Well not really, but you know what I mean.

Nathan and I had to stop at the store on the way home and he picked up two of those cheap Totino's pizzas. So what did I do when we got home? I put one in the oven and then ate the entire thing.

Bad. Aimee.

I didn't even enjoy it. I was too hungry to care what I was eating, I just wanted food and I wanted it NOW. Then I went to bed when I was done with my pizza fest and my stomach was rolling around like the Andrea Gale.

When I woke up I felt really yucky and it took me a bit to remember what I'd done to feel so lethargic. So of course I weighed myself and some not-so-nice words came to mind. I won't repeat them.

Why do I do this to myself?!

Okay, moving on.

Today I've done great so far, granola cereal with almond milk for breakfast, salad for lunch, tea and lots of water. My stomach has calmed down for the most part, though it still doesn't feel quite right. Actually that's something I noticed earlier this week. My stomach feels a lot better now than it has in years. I've had problems with GERD since high school. Until about a month ago I was taking omeprazole every single day when I got up so I could eat without my stomach feeling like it was on fire. Since I made a serious effort to change my eating habits, I haven't had to take anything for my stomach. I can't believe the difference.

One thing I need to work on is getting to bed earlier. By the end of the week all I can think about is finally being able to sleep in on Saturday morning. I know the exercise is helping my sleeping habits a lot. I'm staying asleep once I get there. I don't have as much trouble falling asleep. I'm just not getting to bed early enough.

Someone I generally have great respect for went down a few notches in my book today. It's relavent here because it was a 'fat joke' that changed my opinion. I don't really want to get into it, I only mention it because it seems like the last form of acceptacle discrimination and that just pisses me off.

Something else I learned recently ~ skinny does not equal healthy.

I'm training with Sgt. Fitness tonight. I have no idea what we'll be doing but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I've been training with him for almost 3 months now and I still get excited about going. I look forward to learning something new about my body, and about myself.

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